Monday, January 11, 2010

Letting the Experts Take Weight Off My Back

Backing up some of my common advice on backs and spines, enter the Chiropractors:
A Laid Back Approach to Spine Care

What could be better than a quick link to a simple document published by experts in the exact field of care I am trying to encourage people to give to themselves this week?

Well, there are some things that could be better like a day at the beach and a rest under a cool pine canopy in the Rockies and sauteed spinach with garlic and pecorino romano. But not much better, when it comes to a writer like me who appreciates succinct, helpful writing done by others.

So I'm letting the docs take the lead on how you can Pick Your Spine this week, to care for, keep well and honor. Please click on the link above to visit the site that explains a host of special, EASY tips. I capitalize easy because in comparison to to alternative, which is lousy posture, back pain or injury, these tips will cause very little disruption to your current lifestyle. Incorporate one each day and keep them with your for the rest of your life. There is no overestimating the benefits of a healthy, pain-free spine.

You've got your own back now, and I've got mine, and so back-to-back, we've got the rear view covered....

Next, enter the glutes. We'll work on avoiding the squooshy tooshy. Until then, stand tall. With an equally distributed stance. :-)

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