Monday, August 24, 2009

Take Your Heart to Heart

Prologue: At this point I've declared Pick One Thing to be my new campaign. I'm approaching it as an overall personal wellness project, which I hope to share with others over the course of a year. I've moved the related posts from my Be Well Weekly blog to here, giving them a focused place of their own. My related tweets as TheAbWhisper on Twitter have also been set up with their own identity now,

I've Picked this One Thing thing for a couple of excellent reasons. 1. It works. And that's what I say: we should do whatever works. 2. It has infinite possibilities. And that's what I believe in: infinite possibilities.

I started with just thinking about picking one thing, then I tried it, then I noticed good things came after, then I wrote about it, here: Pick One Thing

After that, I picked something more specifically general. Changing Attitude. It was something I could address for more than a day. Something big that really mattered. Then I wrote about it.

Then I had a setback of sorts. Actually, a valuable lesson. (cuz that's what setbacks are usually designed to deliver...) I overshot my attitude and smacked someone upside the head with my cheerleadery-chin-up-life-is-good-opinionatedness. It was an accident, but it bothered my friend. I needed to remember I'm not in charge of convincing anyone to change their attitude to the way I think it should be. For anything to evolve, especially a life perspective, it can take some time.

So I picked Reclaiming Your Time as the next Pick One Thing thing. Many people I know, especially women, need to pick this theme for themselves more often. We have time anxiety, and are impatient. I came up with some pretty good tips for myself, and shared them here.

At the same time I was interested in producing shorter, more-to-the-point reminders and ideas. Enter Twitter. pick1thing is a perfect way to concentrate (and center!) my thoughts with fewer words. If you don't feeling like reading the long blog version one week, you can just check the cute little sister version on the left, under Quickies. Please follow me--click on the link there that says so!

Finally, I arrived at today. I began writing this brief history of Pick One Thing in order to explain how I'm really following my heart on this one. I feel it. It's got a nice rhythm. It can offer a bit of order to the whole of something, or serve as a steady background base drum to keep me moving forward. It can be open or focused. Physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, all the above. I love it.

So, Pick One Thing brings us to Your Heart (and mine).

How important it is to consider, connect with, take care of, and honor your heart! I mean,
A) Your heart equals life
B) Your heart equals love
C) Your heart equals intuitive guide to your most heartfelt notions

When you're heart gains health, your whole body gains health! It's right in the center of all the action. Grand Central, in and out, all that oxygen, that blood, those arteries and valves...

It pumps you up! It tells you when you're moving too fast, and when you're skippin' down the cobble stones feelin' groovy. When you're worried, afraid, anxious. When you're fluttery, blushing, enchanted. When you're lonely. When you're sure of yourself. When you have eaten too much of a bad thing.

Don't just listen to your heart. Learn your heart. Sure, it's a big thing to pick. But we all have only one of 'em, so really, few things are more worth picking than your heart. I was going to give you more details, about chambers and cholesterol and life spans and stress... but my heart tells me you probably already know a good amount and I don't want to repeat the obvious.

So instead, I'm going to give you some general project guidelines for the week. One day, look up information on the American Heart Association's website. It's a plethora of facts and fyis.

Another day, when you go to the grocery store, buy at least 5 items that are known to good for your heart health. Google "top five foods for your heart" and you'll get results to lead you. Then pull out or search for recipes that feature them, and cook yourself something yummy.

If you smoke, then quit for a day. One day challenge of sheer will. If you get through that day, plan another day that you can get through the same way. If you can get through two of those, you are ready to plan for a life without cigarettes. SO PLAN IT. If you do nothing else for wellness this year, quitting smoking will still be the single best decision you could ever make for your heart (AND all the other parts of you). Your doctor can even help with meds to ease your cravings.

Finally, be sure to open your heart this week. It's never difficult to find some one who needs your care and concern, or a warm smile, or a nod. And remember, YOU need your care and concern, so open your heart to yourself, too. Every time I make a conscious decision to show my love to someone, genuinely, I am always rewarded tenfold. The same will be true for you.

Put your hand there, right now, and make a pledge to it. Say "I heart my heart."

Okay you don't really have to say that, but you should think it. Wait, no--make that, you should feel it. Deep down inside. At the very center of your human condition. How beautiful is that?!


Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Be Real About Time

Reclaim your time...your sense of time as your own time to spend. It's your life. Your life is made up of moments. You can really only be in one moment at a time. So what you're doing, in this present moment, in a very straightforward way, IS your life. Because this moment is all we really have for sure, all we can really experience, all we can really use, all we can really live in.

Pick One Thing: Time
Is it too simplistic, or idealistic, to say live in the now; be in the present? It brings a little greeting card verse to mind, doesn't it? Something along the lines of the past being gone and the future being uncertain, so we should appreciate the present...that's why they call it a gift.

What about plan for tomorrow as though you'll live a very long time, live for today as though it's your last? Oh, c'mon! I mean, that's impossible. Who suggests such things?

These are all cliche thoughts, I suppose, and that won't do because I'm trying to get at the truthful, juicy nugget inside this One Thing, Time. I want to be able to see time as something useful to my sense of owning my life and of feeling good about it. Not time as something too fluid to ever grab hold of, and too momentary to ever mold into something long term and worthwhile.

So I ponder (for a moment).

I want to be IN my time. I want to BE in my time. I want to be in MY time.

And it occurs to me. I am in. I can be. It is mine.

Here's how. I (egads, it's true!) take this moment as a gift. Anytime I want to. And I open it up to what I wish to do with it, how I want to feel about it, who I want to be in it... I become:

If I want to use this time to plan for the future, fine. As long as I feel good about it.

If I want to do some general thinking and writing about my time, terrific. Good idea. Do it.

If I want to finish my bookkeeping to-do list but this particular piece of time doesn't offer me enough leeway to do that job the way I know I need it to be done, well, it's okay. I use this moment to schedule that job for Friday, and I write my blog instead.

Ooh. I feel the power surge already. Some reading I've been doing about the idea of time shifting--consciously changing my attitudes and habits regarding my time--is really sinking in now. I notice I'm writing in present tense, even. I like it. I pat myself on the back about it.

I review the quote by the author of the book I plan on reading before the end of the year (it's on my list but there's still two ahead of book at a time, Faith). Time Shifting author Stephan Rechtschaffen has my typical time anxiety pegged: "Most of the stress that people feel in any area of their lives is rooted in the feeling of not having enough time."

Dwelling in the present, I see there is always plenty of time....because I'm always here, ready to do my bidding! I accept the fear that I won't get everything I feel I need to get done. What the heck else is new? But I suddenly see, I always have that same potential. I always have a list--I'm alive, for petessake, there's going to be stuff to do!

But the rhythms of my moments, the patterns of how I string them all together, their richness and their shine, their freedom...all up to me.

Ahhhh. It becomes clear. Most of what I have to do, in most moments, is not urgent, despite my assumptions to the contrary. I need to learn to shift gears, really. I can back up from the future into the now and/or move away from the past into the now, and really reclaim my time.

How I spend my day, my hour, my my Time, better be thoughtful, or enjoyable, or productive--somehow it ought to be Important to me. Because I'm trading the moments of my life for whatever I do with them.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Be The Change

This seems to be a very popular notion these days, as I'm seeing the quote being used in a lot of different places: "Be the change you wish to see in the world." --Mahatma Gandhi

For many people, Gandhi's name is synonymous with peace and non-violence. It makes sense that one of his credos would be along these lines. If you want a peaceful world, than be peaceful. So simple. He's suggesting we put our money where our mouths are, so to speak. More direct still, we should put our beings where our wishes are.

It's a popular notion but I wonder, as I presently contemplate the idea of being every bit whole, does it work? Does it make everyday, rational sense to people? Gandhi, a giant star among notable human beings, can get away with telling people they should put their existence where their dreams are. But I don't quite have his credentials nor his skills. So I have wrestled with the thought that my impetus to cover the extremely broad topic of, well, connecting one's whole entire self, might be too vague to do any real good.

hmmm. I put on my old copywriter's hat. What is actionable in all this? What problem am I helping to solve? Why would anyone want to read this stuff and keep reading it? What do I want people to do with this information, all these ideas on taking care of each part of our selves.

I want this to make a difference in people's lives.

That's the honest answer. And also make a difference in my life, because hey, I'm people, too.

So it occurs to me. My writing has to be the change I wish to see. It needs to enable. It has to tell you some things you need to know. Deliver some calls to action to you. Like,

PICK ONE THING. You are your own perfect project, bit by bit. Build your own existence, improve your outlook, and be the change. And me, too!

You can absolutely pick alsomething truly meaningful to you, all on your own right now, but just in case you'd like an outline and a partner, I'm happy to be your guide. After all, wellness is my business (I own an alternative fitness studio, consult with people on their healthy lifestyles and focus on mind body have a background in medical writing). Wellness is also my aim.

So, if you want to ride along with me, please, let me know! I'd love your comments and hope to hear about the Things you Pick. Over the next year, week by week, you'll consider how to reclaim your time (next week's topic), love your heart, build your core, pamper your feet, form new habits and renew your energy, and so much more.

Now, none of these directives will do much good if you, personally, wish to see a different sort of change in your world. Maybe you want to be thin, or rich, or skilled at flower arranging. You get to be any change you wish to see, and you get to wish for any change you want. It's all about you feeling whole and balanced, able-bodied and -minded. All the time. Because you decide to.

Pick Specifically!
Here's the play-by-play of how I'm using "Pick One Thing" to specifically drive me to "be the change" and change my attitude to change my days:

1. First, I was honest with myself. What change am I wishing for that I'm not seeing happen? It took some introspection, and I disallowed myself from making any excuses or admonishments in the process. I just identified what I really wanted.
2. I figured out what I really wanted was: "a sense of real personal pleasure as a relished element of my every day".
3. So I picked ^that^ as my One Thing. It happened on vacation easy enough. I read three books without a hitch. But what about now, at home, back to work, with family, hustle and hassle?
4. Well, what about now? I mean, nothing, really. It's the same! I still wish to see this change so I am "being" it. I'm quite simply finding personal pleasures available to me, to relish as elements of my every day.
  • I made coffee and read a book in the quiet every morning on vacation.
  • I can do that here, in my home.
  • I kept the agenda simple, meals & clothing & clean-up simple, while at the condo.
  • I can do that here in my every day.
  • I avoided starting up argumentative talk and opted to table the subject when communication was off-kilter, because it's not fun to fight on vacation.
  • It's not fun most of the time, actually, so I can let things drop and make peacefulness and added pleasure in my every day.
  • I decided there was something fun about staying active and something fun about kicking back.
  • That's a decision I'm sticking with.
I can hardly believe how much inner space I'm creating, how much lighter my heart and mind are, since picking this one thing for myself. It's the kind of existence I've dreamed of, and I'm learning I can live it. Today. Now. Whenever.

So, watch out world, this be this Pick One Thing approach is powerful stuff! At least one thing's for sure. It works for me. And as I always say, do whatever works. BE whatever works. Pick One Thing and work it!

Let the choices begin.