Monday, July 27, 2009

Pick One Thing

Want to lower your blood pressure? Be better about keeping your desk clear? Raise your savings account balance this month? Decrease your low back pain? Tell your boss the truth about your wishes for the future? Learn a new word every day? Figure out why your hip hurts? Have your teeth whitened? Teach your kid to go on the potty? Draft a will?

Go ahead.

Pick one thing. If it's a big thing, then you might have to pick one thing about that one thing, but still, you only need one at a time. Like if you need to pick the right side of your desk today and the left side tomorrow and the future stacking filing system the next day.... well, that's one thing. Honor that one thing (remember, you picked it!) until it is discovered in and connected to you, as an important part of your true self. Not just something you want or wish or think or dream.

The key is, pick ONE.

You have 100% of yourself to give, right? You can't give 100% of yourself to your family and 100% to looking good and 100% to your job and 100% to your home. And so on. This means you have to pick and choose how to divvy up your efforts. When all your most important stuff is accounted for, and you've only got 10% of yourself left to get organized, or catch up with old friends, or find out why your feet hurt so much, well then--pick one thing, and give it what it's due, until it's done.

When you're finished with it, you'll know. Because you'll feel really good about it. So much of life is always in process, as it should be. When you're evolving, you can't always just do it today. But you can do one thing today. This week. This year. Or from now on.

On the other hand, there are plenty of things which are matters of action that can be completed, voila. By you. Rather quickly. Like what you want to finish, or learn, or fix.

Also, some parts of you, which you hardly know because you haven't focused on them, can be renewed and enhanced if you pick them. Making you all the more, all the better.

And please note that even some of the really big things, like be a calmer parent or become a great singer, which might seem like they should take a long time and a lot of effort, are still only a sum of these "one things" that you can pick to do. You can be more patient today with that unreasonable child. You can go do your vocal exercises now, and record your progress.

Pick One Thing!

It's golden. A revolution in the making. It changed my day, and I'm telling you I think it's going to change my life. Because I'm picking "pick one thing" as my One Thing. I'm going to master focusing my attention and efforts, and make conscious decisions to direct myself toward my desires. What I intend to be.

Not sure what to pick?
Watch this space for ideas each week. We're going to work from the inside out with no serious order, other than reconnection and discovery. Use this blog as your guide, or not. Whatever you pick, be true to yourself and do right by it. If you mess up, or forget, pick it again. Remember, each thing you pick is a part of you. And that makes it beautiful. Honor that.
I will be on vacation and not blogging for a couple of weeks. I've Picked "Catch up on my Reading" (at least 3 books) as my One Thing for my vacation downtime. I'm so excited, the books are already stacked and ready to pack.

Until then, be well. One choice at a time.

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